Priya freed from her weepingly went near Ram , she hugged him by his side murmuring a continuous sorry in his ears , He couldn't take it anymore , he rose up held her in his embrace angrily looked at sri and others .
Srinikha: guys common they will solve from now , come on move from here .. saying this all left these two alone .
Priya "Im extremly sorry , when i saw that papers ,I just dont ... "sobs" i just dont know what Im doing and thinking .. Its just I got mad ..
You know taking his hand on her stomach , I felt some unknown pain here . Ram clasped her in his brace , he wiped her tears ..and in that anger i said so many and make you fall ill .she cried more
priya dekho .. look at me ..Look at me girl .. just look at me ..
You didn't do anything ,Okay I was planning to tel you the truth but in mean while only you got to know , as i didn't expected i was stressed out to how to tackle you .
I love you so much baby ?? i can't see your tears .I myself unable to forgot the incident and how i will give that sadness to you priya . a lone tear dropped on her shoulder . she hugged him tight and both cried their hearts out .
Shh shhh Rocking her back with his long fingers , he made her calm down . She was still sobbing ,I ..i [sob] didn't mean to... {sob] hu...hurt.. [ sob] ... You .
Wo..wo.. Aapko...kuch..hojathe ..tho ..I .. [sob] could have [ sob] died . [meri saans ruk jaathi thi
Priyaaa , he hugged her more tightly ,Please forgot it , I can understand your situation ,please Bbay don't talk like that .
"I ..love [ sob] you " she said with so much love while her tears are just flowing from her eyes . Ram looked at her with his moist eyes , the emotional eyelock between the two made them realise how much they love each other , They had flashbacks of their engagement , their uncompromised marriage ,their honeymoon ,than love , their consummation , their up and downs , her kidnap track , Ram comes to know about her pregnancy [this is only Rams visualisation as priya still don't know all the fact ] sruthis vulnerability , the last They lost their babies , than Priya thought ashwin asuulated her , she tried to run away from Ram and her family .Ram made her realisation that she cannot live without him , and when the love life is going smoothly again the biggest truth of their life came infront of priya ,her accusion , his hospitalisation , srinikhas trick played ,everything just passed in their brains in fraction of seconds .
Whatever happens in which ever way they are two together and forever .She cried he pacified . after some time Nurse came in to check up ,the next hospital procedures fasten up Ram got discharged and reached home .
Krishnaji surprised to see srinikha and she warmly welcomed her knowing About Ram's health Krishnaji and Dadi got upset cried and at the end they sent Ram to his room and at the same time they told they wont disturb him dinner also they will sent to his room only .
Rishab who came to ask help from priya and Ram hearing all this he went back to his room . Cried his heartout .
Priya make Ram lie down on the bed , she went and brought his night clothes to change but Ram pestered her as he felt suffocated in the hospital he needed shower . Priya helped him eventhough he is fit enough to take bath .Priya didn't leave his side .she make sure he is not taking stress . she helped him while wearing his clothes . while he is resting priya went to take shower . she removed all her clothes one by one ,she turned to other side there she can see her reflection in life size mirror , her stomach was flat ,she remembered before her kidnap she looked a bit fat especially in this area , she turned the nob of shower ,water pouring down on her . touching her stomach "What I did ?? why god why you made my babies lifeless " she cried & her thin body leaned against the mirror , she cried hard as Still she was in shock that she actually was pregnant with twins and and it got aborted Im such a bad mother , I love you babies ,momma loves you so much . momma loves you so much , I didn't even feel you properly . she cried cried her tears mingled with the shower drops . when she heard a knock on the door ,she covered her mouth with her hand she composed herself answered back "what happen "
Ram " R u Ok priya "
Ha .. yes im just coming !!! she quickly finished her bath came in fresh set of clothes .she called bansikaka gave the order for their dinner . she lost her apetite long back . but if she wont eat he too wont .
When bansikaka going towards Raya's room ,Krishnaji querred him than she was very much surprised to know priya ordered the food . Seeing her expressionless face Srinikha butted in "what happen aunty " is something wrong .
Its surprise that priya ordered the food , she never ever does that , if she wants she will come and take from her hands to Ram and herself and until we have our food she will sit here only . I know right now she is not in that position because she got to know the truth . But im feeling weird .
Srinikha than why waiting here , lets go , both slipped into Raya's room . They found Ram is leaning back on their bed closed his eyes . Priya sat infront of mirror lost in her thoughts while combing her hair .
Srinikha chipred .. Hello Mr.Ram kapoor .Ram opened his eyes welcomed her in , Srinikha was observing Priya was so lost as she n't even reacting as some one entered their room . Ram called her "Priyaaa .. priyaaa,,," a bit loudly ..."Priyaaa "
Huhh.. coming back from her thoughts she rushed to his side , what ?? what happen ,are you okay she concernedly asked him . checking his temperature n she observed someone is there in the room . she composed herself straighten herself .
Sorry .. wo .. was lost somewhere . She stood there , bansikaka kept the trolly and left . srinikha tried to cheer up the couple . Ram and priya have plastered a fake smiles on their faces for them but none of them was ready to smile nor think anything except their babies . Krishnaji caressed priya's head ,kissing her forehead she and srinikha walked back to their respective rooms.
Priya served Ram . He too was observing her calmness ,Its looking like silence before storm he so can knw what her thoughts were pointing . She gave him his plate . He stared at the plate , Now sweet dish only ghas phus for today . she tried to make it normal but her eyes denied it with a fresh set of tears .
"God damn it Priyaaa control yourself , she mentally kicked herself in her mind ,wiping the tear with her left thumb , she kept the plate in his hand , downcasted her eyes to show him that inorder to serve herself she downcasted .
She slowly started having her food . Ram is observing her . The first morsel she felt like tasteless , worthless , she gazed at Ram who intedely looking at her . come here he gave her hand she sat beside him . He tore a piece of parantha dipped in daal ,gave it to her ,
Rammm... Her words trailed off with his shhh "have it " Priya had tears in her eyes silently trying to obsorbing the pain . they both had silently . Ram didn't speak nor let her speak anything . Priya cleared the plates , gave him tablets .
Switching off the lights She slipped herside of the bed ,pulled the blanket over them . she closed her eyes immediately tears started stroming down on her cheeks . she don't have strength to wipe off the tears also . at the same time she don't have dare to discuss with Ram how her heart is paining . how she is feeling .
Between what was she thinking ,what was she feeling right now ,she questioned herself . A girl who likes children very much and hopes that she will have cutest kids on her own when she gets married . that girl felt tinge when her friends got married and playing with their own kids passing infront of her , its not that she is jelous , its that she is not a type of what this generation male wants , still she was happy in her own being , when she got married and stepped into a compromise relation the same girl thought children is door ki baath , when the same girl found her love she felt like a queen , Is it WRONG that she anxious to have children , yes the girl is ME [Priya ] who craved for children but what I got , I just lost my pregnancy , and with that I have lost not one but TWO babies ,No one should get such life not even my enemy , her thoughts went on and on , her hand fisted the bedsheet not to tolerate the UNKNOWN pain which is hurting her very badly ,she wasn't sure how she will express the pain but she moaned "Rammm " Who was witnessing all her inner turmoil
"look angel im just right here "
Hearing his voice when she opened her eyes ,he was just inches away from her face staring at her with his moisten eyes , He evry well know what all she must be thinking he felt that she is crying that's why he was there right beside her . she immediately hugged him saying "Please Ram Its hurting so much , So much " I don't know why ? I don't know how to erase the chapter " I don't know what im feeling right now ? I just can't take this pain Ram ??
I just can't ? she fisted his kurtha in her hands , her head on his chest crying copiously .
Im sorry baby ,Im so sorry saying this he made her gulp down her sleeping pill after 10 mins she slept on his chest before that her weeping was unbareble . kissing her forehead he thought of thinking something to change Priya's mood . But nothing seemed to come up after some time , he too drifted off to uncomfy sleep becoz of tired ness and medication effect .
The softness of their feet , touching their noses .. Ohh priyaaa look at her God she is damn cute ,isn't she Ram squeled with joy .Ohhh common baby doll , grasping a baby in his large hands , will go for bath , Priyaaa why don't we take them bath together winking at her .. Haww priya said you are becoming shameless day by day Rammm .
Priyaaa what about the anklets for them ... Hmm nooo banglesss .. no nooo toysss of same colour . and what about the same dresses ...
By the way what are you waiting for ,This is such a sweet gift you know priya .kissing her stomach
Priyaa.. priyaaa .. priya ... she woke up with a jolt only to crest fallen that this is all a dream A bad dream of hers ..
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