Ram about to touch her again to make her understand but our sherni jerked him saying "Please go away from me , I don't like this marriage , please go away "
R: His temper raised to the peak level . He stromed off from the room, locking the door , Vulnerable priya drained out fighting she slept on the bed cryingly .
She don't know when she slipped in to deep slumber .When the sun rays just buzing up the world ,she heard a knock on the door , She opened thinking it must be Ram but to her surprise she found sudhir infront of her . She hugged him like a puppy in between sobs she said she is scared .
He felt like his heart wrenching to see her cry .He wanted to see her happy But when the security informed him about Ram s walk off from the room .Sudhir came and sat infront of her room to ensure wether she is safe or not . The way priya hugged him and telling , he remembered her child hood days . whenever he will come home , The lil priya runs and hugs his knees tightly . she wont leave until she gets satisfied with his playing with her . Caressing her hair he immediately took her his home . asked shipra & Neha to get ready her . I will drop her in Kapoor mansion .
Shipra :worriedly what happen Kiddo, is everything okay yesterday night .As mother other than that she couldn't ask more .
While priya cried telling "I said I don't want to marry but you people forced me "
Neha was surprised to hear :What , You don't want to get married .
Shipra warned both of them No more talks . come I will make you ready . Neha was still in shock she walked up to her room .There Vikram was getting ready to his office , when he is about to take his cap , Neha asked him "So You know that Priya is against this marriage and you hide it from me "
Vikram is least expected the direct question from Neha ,God who told you now he asked coming near to him .
Neha : why she asked him with teary eyes , what she did , you know she is not that matured enough to understand what others feelings . and Mom & Dad spoiled with their pampering and now suddenly they just pushed into a relationship .
Vikram:shshhh neha ,Ram is such a gentleman ,You know na Priya came out from such a big danger , we have to save her na ,this was the last chance we have in our hands ,Trust me she will be happy . and rest of the matters I will take care of saying this he kissed her forehead and left to his office .
In kapoor mansion .
Krishna is doing pooja ,while she is dhoop in every corner of home , she found some one is sleeping on the sofa . Her chanting stopped in middle when she found Ram in the sofa in an akward position .
She looked around the hall to get a glimpse of priya but she is no where , Rammm she called him by the time Niharika came down , she signalled her mom to what happened .
Krishna shrugged her hands as she too don't know . Krishna jerked him , He got up rubbing his eyes he asked what happen ma?
Where is priya : Krishna asked him when worrylines formed over her face .
Ram immediately remembered what all happened the previous night , He was angry seeing Priya's hatred towards him at the same time , he was angry that sudhir told him that priya agreed for marriage . But what was that , What Priya did yrdy was like .. He is unable to understand whats this leading to .
He came out of the hotel room locking the door .He informed the manager and asked them to give safety to room and leaving his car keys for Priya , he walked out of the hotel .He don't want to come home at the same time he don't want to go back to hotel . So he walked back to home .nearly 15 kilometers he walked .by the time he reached home everyone slept and his legs gave up so he stumbled and slept on sofa itself .
Niharika : jerked him ,Ram mom is aksing something . answer her , where is priya .
Ram: She is at hotel di , saying this he got up
Krishna: why you left her , I haven't expected this from you ,we have gruhapravesh rasam and how...
before her questions shoot at him , their phone rang with a loud tone .
Krishna attended the call it was sudhir the other side . before krishna say something
Sudhir : Ji priya came to home early morning , sorry for the trouble she don't know any rituals , im just bringing her back to your home . and he kept the call
Krishna : stilled at her place , she was not understanding whats happening . being a criminal lawyer her son is making difficult to understand the circumstances .
Sameer came down seeing Niharika gaping at Rams room , he asked her what happen . when she explained the whole thing . he just gave a smile assuring her and his mother in law[ krishnaji ]
Mammiji , this generation young ppl like this only , they could have not talked properly or not happened anything "winking at niharika " yesterday night or some differences . just leave them they will adjust soon . sayingthis he left to office .
Niharika and Krishna ji was dumb stuck with Sameer answer .
Krishnaji : Niharika whats happening ..
Niharika : if priya comes than we may know something ma .both were worried for this young couple .
Soon sudhir came with priya , Ram was in his room , krishnaji made the gruhapravesh with rituals , soon niharika took her to the kitchen asking her wether she knows cooking or not .
Priya just nodded her head " I know but need some ones help , im not that perfect "
Niharika smiled : no probs priya , feel like your home only as you have to make sweet dish we will go with " gazar ka halwa" Ram's favourite . saying this she started helping her and soon priya finished the sweet .
So everbody are at the breakfast table . Priya bent down and took dadi's blessings . Served the halwa to everyone .Her father is so happy to see she got a lovely family .
Sudhir : where is Ram ?
Niharika : He is discussing something imp with another doctor , hmm later I will send his breakfast with priya , first we will have .
Krishna ji thanked her . as she know Ram wont come down , he is not opening the door also . After breakfast , Keeping Priya's hands in krishnaji hands , Think your daughter ,and forgive her if she done any mistakes and in future also if she makes any mistakes please make her understand .
We .. we haven't stayed far away from her and she too .
Krishna ji assured him saying ,sudhir ji don't worry , she is like our kid and moreover she is the youngest one in our family now . I know how it feels when daughter is leaving .
My daughter also came back from USA recently so I know the pain .
Me neither my daughter Niharika always supports her in whatever she do so please just don't worry . His eyes teared , priya staring at him , Krishnaji hugged priya takes her inside as sudhir is leaving . She sat motionless . her life totally made a roller coaster ride in this 1 month .
Sruthi's house .
Mr & Mrs bhandari[Sruthis parents ] crying infront of large photo frame , Sahil [ sruthi's brother ]arranging flower garland around the photo . they have not digested the fact sruthi was no more .
Mrs Bhandari , Its been 1 and half month , The case not had gained any clue nor no culprit has caught . What the police are doing she wiped her tears . How many days they will take
Mr.Bhandari tried to manfoy her , It is complicated case they will take time .While they are talking Vikram came to their house , seeing the photo of sruthi , he remembered her jovial ness , heaving a sigh He sat with them .
Vikram :Mr.Bhandari we tried from Ashwin's side , Who killed ashwin and Sruthi was still its mystery because Ashwin is a good guy and he don't have any enemies in his circle and his job circle every where its good . and when I enquired first you objected their marriage but after repeated attempts you said "yes " for their marriage .
Mr.Bhandari looked at his wife . Yes I first not agreed for it but later on priya and sruthi made me realise how much he loves sruthi and how much sruthi likes him , so I accepted and with in a month we fixed their marriage also . but in the mean time this happened .
Vikram hesitated but he said Ashiwn and sruthi's murders were Pakka planned ones . They were such a cold blooded murders .We have only one hint Its sruthi's last email which she send to priya . she sent the photos while someone is shooting ashwin . Sruthi must have taken the photos when she was in her last minutes . immediately she has mailed to priya . But unfortunately we don't have that mail now , for some issues in lappy she lost all the mails in her ID . But as she already showed to both of you . Can you tell me anything a bout that guy .
Mr.Bhandari : sir , you are correct , Priya showed me the photos and she wanted to send me them but before that her father came and took her off . but whatever I have seen those were blurred and im unable to recognise him . He tried to recognise but nothing came out of mind.
Vikram : do you have any enemies personally and professionally . eventhough vikram knows about this still asked for someother information .
Mr.Bhandari : No , I do have some rivalries in business but those were wont mix up with murders .and personally Im settled and my family is alos well settled nothing sort of happened .
Vikram called Sahil , You have to give strength to your parents now , because you are their star , are you going to school regularly he asked
Sahil :Ha Im regularly going to school. half yearly exams are going on so im not missing .
Vikram : achha theek hai , study well and take care of your parents .
Sahil nodded his head , Vikram left the house . He knws sudhir practically deleted the email from priya's mail ID , he did wrong but as a father he thought that might help his daughter but The case is circling at one point .
Who is the murderer that too he murdered couple .and attacked Priya also . why these are happening and what was the motive behind it . Why priya involved in this .
Vikram mobile beeped with the msg . He got a smile seeing that , as it was from Neha , asking to check on priya and while coming to home .
In kapoor mansion
Niharika : Priya take this breakfast and halwa to Ram's room haaa your room from now onwards , Your suitcase was in that room only . and shall i ask one thing
Priya : gave a fake smile nodded her head
Niharika: What happened in the night
Priya : her face went pale , she avoided her gaze .. wo .. Um .. im .. I don..t know .
She was stumbled for words . don't know what Ram told and she now was sweating .
Krishnaji : sat beside her , Priya Ram is short tempered don't mind if he say something , He left you in the hotel and came to home . that's not a good thing but he is very good at heart . Go and serve this breakfast to him . she send priya to her room .
Niharika & krishnaji stared at her retreating figure . One maid guided her to Ram's room .
It was a huge room with a king sized bed and velvety bedsheets covered it. She set the breakfast tray ,looked around for Ram .hearing some water sounds she walked there suddenly Ram opened the washroom door he came out wrapping a towel around his waist and another towel he is drying his wet hair .
Priya looked up only to find his bare chest , and the water drops here and there just make her gulped .she downcasted her eyes quickly giving him way she stood beside the wall .
He smiled seeing her nervousness .His anger just melt away seeing her infront of him .
Ram:So ,Now what ??
Priya :Nothing !!
He glanced at her , her body neatly wrapped in a aqua blue saree , the cuteness on her cheeks making her look more sweet to him . The milkiness in her skin glowing to the sunshade .He controlled his urge to crush her under his arms .
He quickly wore his comfortable clothes .Sat infront of breakfast . Until that time she was silent spectator .she just walked to serve him .
Ram:It's ok Kiddo , I will serve . You must be tired na go and get some rest
Priya :Thank you
Ram: for what ?
Priya : for not revealing anything
Ram : glanced at her ..
Priya : and Im so sorry .
Ram: now what ??
Priya : I should not say those things to you .
Ram: laughed loudly , so you are going to rectify your mistakes .
Priya: sorry , I didn't understand .
Ram : Hmm you just said sorry , im asking are you going to do something for that
Priya : No , its my feeling but as my dad begged you to marry me I should not say those things to you and I didn't know my dad begged you to marry me .
Ram: Its not like that Priya , I will tell when time comes , But until that time feel free here , Its your home too your room too .You know I have so many expectaions from our marriage please think about it . he simply ate ,sat on couch watching something .
Priya was dazed what she thought , what she will think .. her head already spinning with so many thoughts . she sat on the bed slowly slipped in to sleep . She slept in an akward manner . Ram made her staright on the bed . He caressed her hairs .she is looking so pretty .
Ram self thought :why priya , why you are not sharing with anyone , just ask me,I Will do whatever you ask for , just open up yourself to me priya , I love you ,I just love you saying this he about to kiss on her forehead .some one knocked the door .
p.S:Hey dear readers If you have any confusions do lemme know in your comments .By that I can give you clear idea in next update so for that I need to know how much you understand .
and its going to be a suspence romantic story so brace for it , from next you going to see all RaYalicious moments
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