Krishnaji : god only knws what you two are upto its going to be 9 still you two are talking , what about breakfast . she came in . taking comb from priya's hands , she made her hair . asked them to come downstairs quickly .
Priya is thnking about Ram words .Yes she can find out Sruthi's password , why she didn't get that thought all these days , she slowly had her breakfast thinking what might be sruthi's password .
Krishnaji waiting for them to finish their breakfast , than she can start for her work . But these two are having their breakfast one in silence one in deep thoughts .
What happen to you two , Isn't it getting late she asked cheking her watch .
Umm mammiji I have some work so Im not going today saying this priya gulped her juice .
Ok beta ,Take care , Ram come drop me in Revanth s home and you can go to your hospital .
Ram was sipping water , he got a bout of cough ,Krishnaji ,priya immediately pacified him by rubbing his back , tapping his head .
Eat slowly beta ,krishnaji concerned voice made priya to look at her ,thought how much they are matured also for mother we are always kids . priya smiled at their bonding .
Today I will go lil late ma , I will ask the driver to drop you .
No need im going in that way only , I will drop and go Niharika came from behind . krishnaji smiled at her . she too smiled back .priya went to kitchen to do something .
While they are leaving krishnaji turned back "Ram All the best for your work " & smiled , Niharika winked at them . Ram felt mortified sencing that they understud his intentions but he was calm
After breakfast both went to their room , She sat infront of her suitcases searching for Sruthi's diary meanwhile Ram slipped from the room called to his assistant told that manage the patients for morning , he will be coming to see the patients in the evening time or ask Dr.Trpathi to look after my cases . He beamed with happiness . He so wanted to spend some quality time with priya but he couldn't get it ,this is the best chance to more her fears and ofcourse more about herself too . When he came back . She was reading something , He questioned her what was that .
Priya gazed up at him " My memories " of sruthi .. I mean It's her diary , she used to wrte all her bank and mail passwords in this but in a code laungauge .
Why did you get that , its her personal diary na , he asked shockingly .
Hmm actually sruthi used to keep this diary with me because of sahil , he used to threaten her that he will read her diary so she kept with me . but until you tell , I haven't remembered this at all . saying this She rammed thru it , she squeled with joy when she got it .
Wow do you got it , yes yes yes , see here , she showed one page to him .
It has written Gmail .
There were drawings of 143 letters in one man , he is looking like some what Ashwin .jumpingly she brought her lappy .when she opened her lappy She realised her net balance over . Ram chukled at her , forwarding his lappy he drowned in his work again .
"What's the password " Priya exclaimed with a bit irritation
" Guess it " his slow husky voice made her drizzle
she typed "Doctor " "krishna " than Ram kapoor and she typed thinking her name "priya "
upchh nothing happened to be worked out for her .
She looked at him , he is preparing some PPTs , relieving a sigh ,"Ram " please tell me na .It's getting late .Please seeing her pouty face He Started typing the pass word . Priya leaned on him to see what it was
his fingers featherly typed " K .. I.. D "
Priay's face changed don't tell it is "Kiddo " Ram im gonna kill you " if it is that .. Her words paused when he types Kiddo " windows got open with a background oF their marriage picture . She was about to hit him , he remembered her password ,its getting late , you know .
I will see you next time she sat back properly , she opened Sruthi's Gmail , when she typed "I love you Ashwin "It didn't opened .She tried with small letters and capitals and sentence changes but nothing worked up .
Ram is observing her every move , he asked her the diary he gazed at the picture for few mins , his lips broaden with a grin priya type now "I L U ashwin *" when she did it ...
OMG it opened Ram , Oh my god thank you so much , how did you do find it . See your friend knows anyone can guess easily , That's why see here , she wrote 143 Thick letters , and than Ashwins drawing than see just beside him she drew a star . so I thought it must be only "I L U " and his name added that star also . common open it .she opened it ,directly she went to sent folder , the last mail sent to her only .Priya got tears seeing it , wiping her tears she downloaded all the photos quickly . Ram come , she made him to run after her .
Ram parked his car , priya went inside Mr.Bhandari 's home , she said hello to them and wants to talk with Mr.bhandari alone . when Ram came in ,Priya and Mr.Bhandari is talking in their room . Mrs.Bhandari and Jayesh karekar sitting in the hall . seeing Ram Mrs .Bhandari got up to receive him , she went to prepare Tea for him .
Dr.Jayesh karekar showing few reports to Ram , see how My sister sugar levels are , Don't know how I should control ,and both of them are dealing very tough phace Ram .Priya is only one making them happy .
Ram is listening to him , seeing the reports he asked , these all are today's reports ???
Dr.Jayesh : Yes Ram , when I got in my hand I just came to see them , in between His phone rang Ram saw the caller ID clinic , Ram "sir it might be clinic lift the call " wiping his tears ,Im unable to take this loss , don't know how these two are dealing saying this he excused himself to attend the call .
After 10 mins he came sat , discussed few random things with him meanwhile Mrs.bhandari served tea and snacks to them .
Inside the room Mr.bhandari is checking the photos clearly and his blood is boiling with anger , he very well knw hw much sruthi loved ashwin , and how much torture sruthi could have been went thru while seeing all these . She has given the pendrive to him . I want the murder to die Asap with so much torture uncle ,He side hugged her ,walked back to the hall with so much happiness in his face .
He greeted Ram ,I will be back saying this he just left in hurry ,Jayesh , Mrs.Bhandari , priya and Ram were engorsed in some random talk . Ram phone buzzed he excused himself from there. After 5 mins "Aunty sorry , but now it's the time to leave I have some work " soo he hesitated to tell her
Mrs.Bhandari smiled ,carry on Beta No problem . Priya kissed her forehead telling her so many tips to take care of her sugar levels , she brisked her walk behind Ram .
Priya went silent ,Ram drove his car fast towards their hospital .Priya jolted when she felt she is losing her grip on her seat . Ram what happened ?? Why ???Why you are driving fastly ?
Stop it Ram, Hearing her decelerated the speed of the car , "what happen kiddo " Are you afraid of speed he smirked at her ,
She sighed "Hmm No im not , seeing the route by the way where we are going "
"To our Hospital "
Priya smiled at the answer "OUR " she murmured again , a beautiful smile crept on her face , But this route is different na .
Yeah Kiddo , It's different route , so calm and lonely route , but we can go easily and how much ever speed we want also , winking at her . She obsereved the route it was very placid way . she loved the route instantly she said "Drive slowly please "
Ram gazed at her with corner of his eyes , smiled seeing concern for him from her . Both got down infront of the hospital . One person is waiting for him at the entrance of the hospital , He greeted Ram , Ram introduced priya to him . And they were walking towards VIp floor , Opening a door on the way Ram said "Kiddo you wait here , feel free " I wil get back to you after finishing the case . she nodded her head she sat In his chair obseriving the room . when she slipped into sleep she don't know .When Ram came back after 20 mins , he saw her sleeping he smiled and went back to his work . every 15 mins He was coming back to room and checking on her .
Her hand slipped ,she rubbed her eyes to get a view infront of her . Her cloudy eyes registered his smiling face . "Im hungry " She said in her sleepy voice , Ram chukled at her , Than who asked you to sleep so much time . What's the time , she stood up from her seat "OH god it s 6 " ..
Goddd why didn't you woke me up .I just don't want to disturb your sleep .Priya lazily walked with him , they had some snacks out side reached home . When she get back to home , she saw Sudhir sitting in the hall talking with Amar nath . she squeled with joy ran to him .He hugged her happily showered her hair & forehead with kisses .
"I missed you papa so much " she hugged him tightly , He too reciprocated . Im so proud of you princess , Breaking his hug she looked at him with wonder .
Amarnath switched on The TV , they are showing the CULPRIT photos who was murderer of Both Sruthi & Ashwin deaths . I know you have given this to Mr.Bhandari . I m sorry for whatever I have done , But im so proud of you beta . His eyes filled with tears . Priya clinged him more tightly .
After dinner , sudhir left ,Ram &Priya reached their room . Priya took bath changed into fresh set of clothes sombing her hair infront of the mirror , Ram who came back by shower after her He hugged from her waist , feeling her soft skin ,his hands crawling upwards enrouting her curves , priya closed her eyes when she felt his palms softly squeezed ,the skin to skin contact making her crazy yet she don't know what she wants .When his hand reached inside her top , she paused his action , he bit her shoulder "Hmm you smell so good " He continued his assault on her chest area , she couldn't take it more she turned towards him hugged him tightly . Her breathing got heavy . his hands running on her back magically . pulling her wet hair gently , he angled her mouth to him , Just repeat what my lips are doing saying this he crashed his lips on her lips . He was dying to taste them again and again , he tugged her back murmured on her lips do it now ,held my lips ,her lips trembled by his command his soft rosepetals held his upperlip ,Ram closed his eyes in receving the sweet nector from her . His kneed went numb feeling her lips on him , suck it baby he guided her lips with him ,She is trying to give him what he asked for , but failed miserably infront of his strength , He occupied her like a hungry lion ,His hands roaming on her body freely ,he lifted her to him more , she lost herself in him . She forgot all her worries , sorrows .She hugged him into her . Breaking the kiss he gasped for breath equally priya too .
"That was awesome Angel , Love you kissing on her lips again " she sat on the bed feeling all numb , He dropped his head in her lap "Shall I ask one thing "
"Are you angry on me kiddo "
"really "
"Ha baba really " priya ruffled his hair .
Ram held her hand in his , Than you said " you hate me " and you said " get out " from our first night room . and now u r saying you are not angry , mainly you kissed me .
Hmm Ram im angry on my papa , how much I love him that much angry I was , first he deleted the Email which were containing murderer photos , second he hasn't asked me about this marriage opinion , he already selected you without my opinion he made me tie knot with you ,Moreover Your parents told that they will come on so and so date , they didn't arrived on time ,so all these clouded my mind . there was a brief eyelock .
Ha I was angry on you at that time but not now .
"Why not now he asked taking her both hands in his "
Hmm Now its gone priya smiled saying this
Ohh how it will go aiseee ,, Tell me pleaseee .
Umm I thought You might have told to your parents about the firstnight , But you didn't , I felt respect on you at that time, 20% anger reduced , second when you left the hotel , you left the car and keys in hotel as I may need any time and security infront of my room , and all the 15 kms you came back to your home by walk ,I was thrilled to know it and I felt sweet for your concern . 30% anger reduced .
After coming here also , You haven't showed your anger to me even though I did troubled you so many times . 10% anger reduced .
You treated me like a queen , another 10% and at the time of shravan issue total gone and now My father came and accepted his fault , I lost all anger on him at the moment as well as you also . saying this she gazed at him .
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