The other side Rishab and Krishnaji reached the Central jail
where Dr. Sidhanth ray has been jailed .
The women wore a peach colur salwar suit ,wrapped a shawl
around her head , the cooling glasses made her look younger than actual her age
, Now no one can recognise her as “Krishnaji “ .Rishab with a simple tea shirt
, a grag jeans ,ultra modern spikes as his hair style .
The have met one police officer there which ,whom vikram
reffered to meet , his name is Jailer
Seshu . When they aproched he was waiting
for them , invited them inside . After the formal introduction
Krishnaji : I want
every single detail of him with his
daily activity . than we can took the
interviews like you know we planned .
Rishab : smiled at her , Yeah Seshu ji ,Tell me how much
progression so far from your investigation .
Jailer seshu : He is
treating criminals ere, you don’t know how much good he turned into but still I & Vikram has our doubts at
the same way . that e has been previous years .
Rishab smirked at him , Once he was very much aggressive
towards his crime and about sudhir uncle than immediately he changed into a
good man Ohhhh somewhere something is seriously wrong . but without getting
proofs what we will do .
Krishnaji and rishab just went thru his case ..Krishnaji
rolled her eyes one line .. Wait wait
“He will prescribe the meds
and you will provide the medicines to them but here you appointed a
constable specially for that .But why he is getting paid for “Vehicle
Rishab pointed there .
Jailer seshu : That person
only will go and buy the medicines from outside if those were not
available here .
Rishab : Okay ..
They went asusaul interviewd few of the criminals . Than
last they went to Dr.sidhant who was treating the other co mates .
Jialer sechu :Hello sidhanth , Shailu and Revanth from The
India times news paper they want to publish some article on this republic day
so interviewing few of .. so I would
like you to cooperate with them.
Dr.sidhant: He smiled at them .asked them to sit .
Shailu[ krishanji]:Im very much impressed Sidhant , You are
doing really a great job . May I start with our questionnaire . This questtionare
will contain very much personal also .
Dr.sidhanth noddead
Shialu[krishnaji] .:Seshu sir told about your case , And
came to know once you escaped from jail also .Have you tried to escape again .
Dr.Sidhant : He wheeled out his chair from the table ,
showing her ,his legs no where to be seen so I can’t escape
Shilu[krishnaji] :so that means if you have legs ,you would
try again ???
Dr.Sidhant : Laughing .. Yeah until I lost my legs .I have
done many sins in my past so god has ounsihed me like this . No regrets . next
question please
Shailu [krishnaji] :Did you ever try to contact your family
again .
Dr.Sidhant : they don’t want to initiate any contact ,once
my mom wants to see me but my father was adamant didn’t allow her ,later she
expired .
Krishnaji observed a teary line forming on sidhant’s face .
Ok she asked few random questions about country and all .
Dr.Sidhanth looked so confident and so promicing what it
must be ,she was unable to understand . Finally they asked for leave .Rishab
pen camera was shooting all the video and when they are leaving other criminal
came to Sidhanth ..Shall we goo ..
Rishab observed him for sometime . The guy easily lifted
Dr.SIDHANTH in his hands leads to other room . Krishnaji got a call from the security team about priya
rushed up by her own driving the car .
and they cannot manage as their tyres got flat while following her .
Krishnaji : what the hell
was that . she feared so much that
what might have happen to priya . She looked back at Dr.Sidhant . the guy
who lifted him and he was joining hands and laughing .
She sat down near by a chair feeling helpless , She was too
clouded with very bad thoughts of
concluding priya’s state . a lone tear escaped from her eye .
Rishab went to check on the dispensary , he was taking
photos .
The constable : arey bhai , I was trying to get the
medicines but from past week the person is not available so
im not getting .I will try to get as soon as possible .
Rishab came forward to look out the prescription , his pen camera
registered the prescription , he looked at other prescrpitions making sure his
pen camera shooting everything .
Rishab : You can get them in any other bigger pharmacy na . he questioned
The constable :Yeah sir previously I tried so many but I didn’t
get anywhere than once im asking one
shop the shop sales man guided to one doctor . From than onwards he is
providing the drugs so I don’t bother to check out because all the imp meds I
will buy from him . he will give it reasonable cost also .
Rishab :Nodding his head ,Okay . If at all I will get this
medicine outside I will inform you . Is that okay .
The constable :sure sir ,I will be pleased .
Rishab ; took few more pictures that covering maximum on
Dr.Sidhanth and his activities . He walked back to see only krishanji was
sitting near by chair was very depressed . But as far as he knows she is very
composed women . he slowly went towards her only to see her cheeks starined
with tear marks . when He enquired her
“She received a call from Vikram telling what had happened
to Priya .
Rishab eyes sparkled In red , gritted his teeth with anger . so that bugger planned well to
locate priya alone and show her his strength
hai na Krishna ji .
Now I will show mine . He asked her to get in the car he will
be back soon . He ran to the jailer seshu .
Rishab : sir would you
please don’t mind me showing the persons case file once .
Seshu :whom
Rishab : showed a
criminal behind Dr.Sidhanth ..
Seshu :Ohhh The Bomb specialist . His name is “Talvar “.
Rishab : he took the file and went thru all the pages in a quick and a small
smile played over his corner of lips .
Well Played guys .Now I will play, just want to get cleared .
Soon rishab walked towards car , they stopped near by their
farm house , changing their attire they rushed to the hospital . Krishnaji was
very much trembled seeing the accident
while passing by that route .
When they reached ,Sudhir’ s family presented there infront of the operation theatre . Krishnaji embraced shipra
in her warm hug . Sudhir is supported by Neha .
Vikram is still at accident place .He was searching for a
clue . Why priya had been backed out last minute . what she has seen . his search widened the area . They
got the mobile operating system and
everything in 500m away from the
accident place .
Priya wheeled in to the Operation theatre . Though Ram was a
physician , he was unable to see priya
like this , his tears continuously flowing from his eyes . He winced in pain
while the sisters wiping the blood away from her body inserting the n eedles
one by one in her veins . His hands were shivering even to touch her with a
swab .they did Ct scan of brain , chest X ray , ultrasound abdomen . so far
nothing major injuries happened to her but
she got so many bruises on multiple places .
They have to shave some part of her hair on her forehead to
stich the wound . All the time Ram stood
beside her , After 2 hours , They made priya
bandaged from her all wounds , they made her wore a hospital gown
wheeled out to a VVIP room . Her BP was still low but When her husband himself
going to take care of her than what else patient needs .
She don’t have any strength and Ram was feeling why her
vitals are not coming in normal range .Alas if he could have known she was nt taken
anyting from past 36 hours . That weakness and this shock keeping her in still
unconsicous state .after shifting to the
room ,sudhir ,shipra ,krishnaji one by one came to the room to check on priya .
Ram firmly told them ,he will take care of her
so please you all wait in another room , she will get infections soon if
so many memebres are around so please he requested .bLESSIng priya all left out
Vikram & karthik is still there . watching Vikram
expression ,Ram told vikram to go on
Vikram : Ram why she
backed off lastly ..has she seen someone ,or what happened . Im so confusing .
Ram : That she had to tell Vikram . may be she found that im
not There .
Vikram : showing few photographs and video , The criminal
has placed your vax body in that car and made a video actually that looks so
much a like you . Ram was horrified seeing it , because you cannot trace out
it’s a Vax made body ,that much real its looking . Now he understands why priya
rushed in a hurry .
Minutes passed by hours . Rishab went to home . Sameer &
Niharika came from the hospital after visiting Priya . They had gathered for
dinner . Nobody is intrested to have but
as nIharika on some ovulation meds she has to
. So Sameer called Rishab also . Told to bansikaka to give the dinner to
nuts . Rishab stopped between , “I will
serve the dinner for her , you know she is our guest , what say ,saying this he
took the dinner to her room .
Rishab cheked his shirt looked at the glass mirror by side ,
Hmm you look handsome ,Rishab be brave tell her that she looks beautiful and
you like her , this is the oprtunity . He knocked the door twice when there is
no response he peeped in the room
slowly . Natasha bathed freshly coming
out from the washroom wearing a simple t’shirt , her waist wrapped with a fur
towel . He was amazed .she looked at up scared went back inside washroom
hurriedly .
Yelled at him .
“Why the Hell you come here Mr . “
“placing the dinner , hitting his head lightly , Wow o nuts
I just came to give dinner for you “sorry I didn’t see anything .
Just get out from here . she yelled again .
Rishab went silently scolding himself sshhh you missed a
good chance Rishab .
Nuts came out locking the door , ufff this guy is crazyyyy …
she changed into her clothes , called to karthik to know how is priya doing . she
talked with karthik knowing priya
updates . she had her dinner and said herself that she has to leave this home
soon , she don’t want to get burden on these people in this condition of priya .
The clock ticked 10’ 0 clock . Ram sitting beside priya’s
bed , this is high time that his heart is bleeding inside seeing her like that
. He was scared to death seeing her in dreadful condition .His heart thumped when she said “I LOVE YOU
“to him . Like a stupid he avoided her these days .He saw her face .It was
pale seeing the bandage on her forehead .He
caressed her hair how she will comb her hair . He smiled remembering her habit of combing her hair
every now and than , she loves her hair .He threded his fingers in her hairs .He turned to check on the vitals attached to her .
Her petite frame tried to move instantly she felt throbbing
pain . Ahhh she moaned with pain
,hearing her Ram rushed towards
her , she is trying to open her eyes .she tried tried atlast she squeezed her eyes to see The same
chocolate brown eyes staring at her intently with so much eagerness .
“How are you feeling baby ,You ..You Okay na “
He was so happy that he cannot even express in his actions .
His one smile made the other pair of lips also smile ,she nodded her head as No
,It’s It’s a paining . Her right hand which was attached with an Iv canula
tenderly lifted up to his face ,caressing with her feathery touch “You are fine
na “ alone tear escaped from her eyes .
Holding her hand “yes yes ,Im fine very much fine , kissing
her back of the hand “ he smiled broadly
. Can you tell me where it’s paining baby ,
“She blinked her eyes to fall down the tears which were
filled her doe eyes . she cleared her throat ,Im not sure but My legs are
having dragging pain .
Ram went to her legs , sitting on the edge of the bed , he
took her rt leg in his hand , priya a lil loud “Ramm what are you doing trying
to get back her leg from him “ but her strength has not enough to pull it up .
Sshhhhh , let me do it for you . Ram breathed , taking her
soft leg in his hands , he pressed lightly at the heel , than ranning his
fingers thru the feet , he slowly pulled
the fingers , she yelped with a mild
pain “ahhhh “ ..
Ram :Just wait 4 sometime baby doll , it will go , his
fingers massaged her leg until her calf muscles she fallen a quick sleep at the time .
Ram informed everyone that she gained conscious , every body
came and waiting for her to open her eyes . Still Ram is at her legs , slightly
pressing her legs one by one . by all the noice priya opened her eyes to see
what’s going on . Everybody elated to see her , she flinched her legs back .
Ram smiled and the rest of all .
All have showered their love on her .Eveybody left except
vikram . I need to talk with priya something important . he looked at Ram.
As Ram knows how much its, important he allowed her to go
ahead ..
“Vikram :Priya , one thing Im unable to understand , How you
comes to know It’s a trap , have you seen anybody over there or what you felt wrong over there
She nodded her head indicating a NO
Vikram : Have you seen that Ram’s vax toy placed there or
recognised it’s not Ram
Priya : She again said NO
Vikram :Than How come you know you trapped ?? answer me ..
Even Ram also waiting to hear her answer as how she comes to
know it’s a trap .
Priya : she remembered the scene how she went to save him .
she was narrating them that she can hear Ram’s voice pleading me to save him .
Gosh I died thousand times but there second time when I heard
him saying .
“Priya It’s paining heavily ,help me
out “
“Drag me from this “
“Priya please It’s paining “
There I jolted back it was not Ram , the criminal was targeted
me using Ram’s name and he definitely trapped me .
Vikram : that’s what im asking ?? how you realised priya..
Priya : She blushed , Umm..Woo ..I m.. Ram never called me
with my name after marriage . I used to
foght with him for that , how can I ever forgot how he calls me . she looked
down saying this .
Ram stunned hearing this as well as vikram too . Yes Ram
never called her “PRIYA “His joy is boundless to know that something from his
side which stopped going near by it .
Vikram smiled leaving the two love birds he came out feeling
afresh . now he has to deal the second side tooo ..
Dear Readers , Im so so happy that you are reading with
so much intrest . Thank you so much for every reader and God bless you .
Thank you everyone for loving this story .
I thought you people might guess when I updated the last chapter
itself , but I waited for the preview to get your answers on tarpping . hhehe
..but loved this ..
@aastha lotus , ananthi k , itsmeg3 woooowwww Guys ,Im
super happy by your answer .Yes That was indeed correct .Group hug girls ,While
reading your comment .Im grinning my ear to ear . I loved your attention
towards the story .. Thank you so
much and yes your guess is 100% correct
@ Malu I waited for your comment . obviously with your
guess tooo .. winks
@Neel &Viji now you can reveal about this trap
..llool im sorry that I stopped your excitement but sorry .. now hope you enjoyes this as much as i enjoyed while
writing .