Ram: show me your hands ,Karthik came in time ..Di show the design please
Nuts came there showing her hands Karthik went with her to show to their son.
Common priya why you are not showing ,she blushed again.
You are killing me with your blush baby ...Ram whispered in her ear.
Priya: I will show later please ..
Ram didn't pester her any more ,he fed herand they both ate talking about the marriage and mostly Priya talked about twins with him. Supressing his dying emotions he fed her and he too had his dinner.
They reached their room .Ram pulled her by waist asked her
to show what she was hiding .By now mehendi was dried up ,she showed him but he wasn't able to find anything.
Ram:why don't youtv1 it?
Priya : Hmm I'm going to do that before that you wanted to
check on it main kya karu
check on it main kya karu
She looked so cute while complaining about him .
He went with her and helped her in washing the mehendi out ,how much Priya protested also Ram didn't listen so she allowed him to help .
They both came to their bed . Ram took her palms and smelled
"Hmmm Priya mesmerizing smell haa".. he kissed her both
palms :Love you"
palms :Love you"
See how the colour is brightening up in your hands .Its all
my love he winked at her
my love he winked at her
She laughed sweetly .
Mr.Kapoor common you didn't find anything kya ??? showing
her palms again
her palms again
Ram observed keenly but he couldn't find anything .
Ram made puppy face he was unable to find it and asked her
to show by herself
to show by herself
Priya: Looked directly into his eyes. Mr.Kapoor design is
on full of my palm not in center check again .
on full of my palm not in center check again .
Ram was elated and jumped with joy, he made both the palms
join to )gether and was astonished by the way Srinikha bhbahi made the design ..
join to )gether and was astonished by the way Srinikha bhbahi made the design ..
She made a design and that branches came to her fingers .
for that each branch she has written Ram and the second one Priya ..
for that each branch she has written Ram and the second one Priya ..
So all her fingers were glistening by their names . Ram and Priya . It was very visible but like a duffer I was searching there .
He kissed her palms . She smiled heartily . He pulled her
into his embrace .
into his embrace .
Gave gentle bite on his shoulder .. His lips nibbled her
earlobe she moaned sweetly .He was caressing her neck with his lips .Her hands were clutching his kurtha. She wanted to take this to next level . she pulled his head upto her level and kissed him on his lips , she tasted him , he opened his
lips for her , her tongue immediately mated with his relishing the nector .. she has missed the
quiverness in his lips . Her soft lips
were trying to hold him as much as close to her . The kiss turned into passionate one and
her hands were caressing his back . They both parted when they felt they need some
air. Ram hugged her near to his chest ,She rested her head on his chest the
sweet melody of "lub dub " made her heart soothen . Her hands were caressing his
earlobe she moaned sweetly .He was caressing her neck with his lips .Her hands were clutching his kurtha. She wanted to take this to next level . she pulled his head upto her level and kissed him on his lips , she tasted him , he opened his
lips for her , her tongue immediately mated with his relishing the nector .. she has missed the
quiverness in his lips . Her soft lips
were trying to hold him as much as close to her . The kiss turned into passionate one and
her hands were caressing his back . They both parted when they felt they need some
air. Ram hugged her near to his chest ,She rested her head on his chest the
sweet melody of "lub dub " made her heart soothen . Her hands were caressing his
"Rammm " She called him
Ram: Caressing her hairs , feeling her near to him he
smiled hearing her "Ramm"
smiled hearing her "Ramm"
What you want baby ???
Priya":Can I tell you one thing ?
Ram: Kissing her forhead haa tell na
Priya: I Know you will feel funny
Ram: Common I wont .. tell na making her look at him
Priya:You know in childhood , my Chachi[mother's sister had twins ]and my uncle also had twins when my mother got pregnant with
Ayesha. I used to ask god it should be twins , And even I myself felt to have
twins when I get married ..She smiled
Ayesha. I used to ask god it should be twins , And even I myself felt to have
twins when I get married ..She smiled
Ram:His beats Increased by listening to her ,
Priya : And seeing honey and bunny I am so fond of them ,,
Ram: Immediately wanted to change the topic ,toh kya Priya
,still caressing her hairs
,still caressing her hairs
Priya : Hmmm .. woo ..I so wanted to have twins ,
He freed her from his grip
Ram:Priyaaa ..
Priya:What happened Ram ,... Did I ask anything wrong
Ram: He stared at her for a while
Priya: Ram.. she shrugged him
Ram:Immediately composed himself , trying hard to to
control his tears. Priya Your health is important now...we can think about the twins later
control his tears. Priya Your health is important now...we can think about the twins later
Priya :I know Ram ..My health is important I am just sharing my thought .
I know twins are not in our hands but when ever I'm seeing
honey and bunny my wish is running in my brain, so Ishared with you.Its not for the first time na
honey and bunny my wish is running in my brain, so Ishared with you.Its not for the first time na
Why you reacted that way .
Ram: Stammered what way ??
Priya: Are you hiding anything fromme?
Ram: Nahi toh !!!
Priya: Then why I felt your heartbeats disturbed when I
talked "I wanted to have twins " are you sure my health is good . Am I able to
get pregnant ... are you hiding anything ?her tears welled up in her eyes
talked "I wanted to have twins " are you sure my health is good . Am I able to
get pregnant ... are you hiding anything ?her tears welled up in her eyes
Ram: Goddd .. what all you are thinking yaar ? Aisa kuch
nahi hain , you are perfectly alright . I'm worried about your health and the
doctor herself confirmed infornt of you "you can go for pregnancy "
nahi hain , you are perfectly alright . I'm worried about your health and the
doctor herself confirmed infornt of you "you can go for pregnancy "
Kissing her forehead "Priya ..It's too late you sleep now" he peeled of her medicines and gave to her .
She quietly gulped down ,clutching him tightly she rested her head on his chest .
She was about to ask something .. Ram shhhed her and asked
"shhh sleep "
"shhh sleep "
"No more talks "
I know you have some doubts but those will get clear soon, now sleep he caressed her hairs, she went into deep slumber .
He slowly got up covering the duvet on her . He went into the garden , he looked around him and made sure there was no one. He dialled
a number .
a number .
The other person attended the call only to hear Ram's
Vikram"Kya yaarrr ...Ram is everything okay .. Is Priya
What happened Ram ..
Hearing this Neha also panicked Vikram kept
loudspeaker as he couldn't describe her
whats happening .
loudspeaker as he couldn't describe her
whats happening .
Still his sobbing was not getting controlled
Fatty kya hua .. what happened??? Is Priya okay .. hello
Kuch toh bathao ...we are tensed
"Why god punished us ,why he took away my babies ,Why its
happening to me "
happening to me "
He spelled in between his sobs ..
Vikram: Ram ..Ram
The fate is cruel towards you we are just human beings who is living
with God's judgement ...
The fate is cruel towards you we are just human beings who is living
with God's judgement ...
Ye toh batao"is Priya is okay "
Ram: Ha she is fine ... by now he controlled a bit ,but his
tears were continuously flowing
tears were continuously flowing
Vikram :Kya baath hai Ram ?? can you tell us what happened
,Vikram was now really worried .
,Vikram was now really worried .
Ram : You know about Priya, how she craved for babies ..
he hiccupped once in this
he hiccupped once in this
Vikram:Ram where are you , is Priya with you?
Ram: I came to garden , Priya is sleeping in our room .
Vikram : Why are you depressed this much , may I know what
Ram: Im feeling miserable hiding the truth from priya . I know she always adores kids but
seeing the twins she asked me that 'she also wants to give birth to
seeing the twins she asked me that 'she also wants to give birth to
Vikram what I
should tell her , We lost our twins ..and there will be less chances for us .
should tell her , We lost our twins ..and there will be less chances for us .
Or should I tell , I signed to go ahead for your abortion
Or what I should tell
I'm the reason for all this loss as I haven't taken any
measures to protect you .
measures to protect you .
His tears flowed
Vik&Neha :They were short of words as they know what might Ram was going through.
He can't share with Priya about his loss
As he wont promise that they may have twins in future as
he lost his twins now .
he lost his twins now .
And by seeing the twins there Priya must be sharing
with him all her wishes .
with him all her wishes .
Vikram : Ram ..Ram listen to me once .. You know when Neha
and we planned for kids, Neha used to ask me she wants twins .. You know its
like few women desire for it
and we planned for kids, Neha used to ask me she wants twins .. You know its
like few women desire for it
Its just wish ,for some it may come true and for some it maynot.
Ram was about to speak something "but"
Vikram : I know I know .. you lost them ...But you have
Priya with you right now ...You have to look after her well ..as doctor said with in one year you and Priya can go ahead for kids . Until then just give time to the things to be settled ..
Priya with you right now ...You have to look after her well ..as doctor said with in one year you and Priya can go ahead for kids . Until then just give time to the things to be settled ..
And you know what , you have to avoid her thinking about kids and make her live with in your LOVE Ram
The duo talked for some more time .. Ram was relaxed a bit .
He went to his
room.Priya was cuddling up and slepleping like a kid .
room.Priya was cuddling up and slepleping like a kid .
He slid beside her taking her in his arms he drifted off
to sleep .
to sleep .
The alarm sound made Priya stir from her sleep .Ram got
irritated with the sound ..
irritated with the sound ..
Closing his ears dugging his head more in to Priya's neck , please off karo na Priya
Let me sleep some more time .
Priya giggled by his sweet sleepy talk .. You promised me
something caressing his hairs she kissed on his forhead .
something caressing his hairs she kissed on his forhead .
He got the smell of her mehendi , he kissed on her mehendi filled hands. Priya smiled .What more than he wants other than his love's
smile early in the morning .
smile early in the morning .
Probbing his head on his hand "What you want "
First you fresh up and come ... she dragged him to
washroom ..Both got freshened up with in no time.
washroom ..Both got freshened up with in no time.
She claded in a blue saree , and he wore a blue kurtha both were looking like a dazzling pair . She dragged him downstairs ,every now and then she was checking
whether anybody was seeing or not .
whether anybody was seeing or not .
Ram: Priya .. what are you going to do ..
Priya: Ssshhh please Mr.Kapoor ...don't make noice .
Ram: Smiled with cat paws they both reached the garden. She stopped in the middle and was searching here and there .
Priya was lost in her track
Ram: Crossing his hands on his chest "Darling can you tell
me what you are searching for "
me what you are searching for "
Priya: hearing darling from her hubby she blushed
"Ram.. wo .. mango tree "
Ram: Chukled seeing her ...Goddd Priya You woke me up this
early for mangoes??
early for mangoes??
Priya made a pout ..
Ram came near to her , taking her in side hug ..Ok ok now
don't make that pout ,We have seen that tree from Bhabhi's room ,so it will be in back yard
don't make that pout ,We have seen that tree from Bhabhi's room ,so it will be in back yard
Come we can go by this way
Priya's face lit up . She clung her arm with his and walked with him. Ram was explaining about the place, how they used to play in
childhood .
childhood .
[P]By the time they reached ,It was 6.45 in the morning . It's a bit far from the house .she jumped like a kid . Wowww Ram how beautiful this is
.. this is very huge tree ..she tenderly walked near to it . she touched the
leaves ..she felt so happy ...
Ram was observing her , how she will be happy seeing lil things
in her life . Priya gazed at Ram.. Mr.Kapoor " I want a mango "
Ram : Searched around the tree but there were no mangoes that were reachable to their height . Ram searched for a stick , he tried with
that but it was of no use.
Priya too was trying by jumping ..But couldn't reach there. Huffing for breath, Mr.kapoor is there any ladder..
Before she could speak further.
Ram lifted her up from her waist.
Priya: Mr.Kapoor ..surprised as well as shocked and was
excited like a kid "so sweet of you Mr.Kapoor our thoda" he lifted her
more high she held and the plucked a mango ... Mr.Kapoor can you move this side ..
Which side?
She signalled with her hand.
I can't see anything except your beauty ..
Priya: Matlab
Ram: Your curves are cupping my view what I should do..
Rammm .. she blushed hearing it ..
Move to right side please ... he moved she plucked another mango
.. then asked him to get her down . Showing the mangoes in her hands she smiled sweetly hugged him dearly ,I love you . You fulfilled my this silliest wish also ..
He too hugged her laughing away to glory .He quickly pecked on her lips and dragged her somewhere ..
Mr.Kapoor where are we going ..come I will show you something ..
Both entered tiny size park which was located in their
garden that was filled with many different flowers and different types of birds.
Wowww This is so beautiful Ramm ..
Ranjeet bhai created for bhabhi .. Oh my Is it true Ram , Then definitely I will also tease her, Priya grinned when she imagined Srinikha di's blushing.
Priya saw water taps , she washed the mangoes ,she
offered him one but ram denied to eat without cutting into pieces.
Priya: Common Mr.Kapoor , You will know the taste like this only .Please have it na ..
They sat on the bench near by .. Priya teached Ram how to
eat the mango without cutting ..Both enjoyed ...
They washed hands ..strolled on the garden .Priya was aww
at the beauty of the garden as it was perfectly planned, the garden was divided into many partitions ,each partition containingone type of flower plant with mixed colours.
The wind coming from the side was carrying the smell of those flowers. The place itself was intoxicating.
Priya clutched his arm tightly and told him about her childhood stories where she went to park ,how she used to play .. They saw a huge tree where green grass covered all the area. Ram stood for some time gazing at this .Both adimired seeing the oldest tree. Ram pulled Priya to make her sit ...
Ram kept his head on her lap playing with her bangles ..
What a pleasant morning Mr.Kapoor , this is so beautiful and very pleasant . Ram was playing with her bangles while adjusting them. He turned his face and hugged her circling his hands around her waist.
He caressed his face on her exposed part ..
Rammm..she moaned sweetly .. He looked up, Priyaaa from here I can see only your voluptuous
breasts and nothing else. He lifted his head up and hid his face on her bossom. Her hands circled his neck slowly caressing his hair allowing him to give her pleasure.
He pressed his face more into her bossom .The wind flow increased. Their raising beats were enough to create havoc in their minds. He planted kisses on her cleavage, his kisses pace increased and he sucked the juncture between neck and shoulder. She tugged him more into her. Soon his strong lips landed on hers, his hot tongue probed into her searching for its soulmate .
His hands cupped her curves ...he squeezed them with longing making her moan in his mouth . Her back stiffened to the tree and she is arching her body giving more access to him . His hunger demanded more of her .His lips traveled down and he moaned in her ear I so wanna be inside you .
I so want to caress your skillen folds with mine ,His hand merged in between her thighs . S couldn't take this torture anymore , she clutched his neck kissed his forehead then cheeks ,feverishly she gave a rough bite on his upper lip and his hands were making her curves want more of his touch .
Rammm she moaned with ecstasy ... Ram gazed at her feminine form wanting of him . They heard some noises ...They broke apart while desire filled their eyes .
p.s:I know It is short but ,I am really struck with my personal issues ,so Neel wants this ASAP so I had to give .. sorry but hope you enjoyed this .. Feeling sad that BALH is ending . I Promise to finish Ishq &SMH stories till the end .
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