Cool Mr.Kapor i can understand your anxiety but in this type of cases it will be there for half an hour after giving the medication also ...
Plz solace her first .She needs someone ... by the time Peehu came from school ...started crying seeing the state of her mamma ..
Ram: Plz baby dont cry mamma will be alright ..see doctor uncle also here ...
Krishu ji : Solaced her in warm hug ...Looking teary eyed ...
slowly her shivers came down ...He left her made her lie down properly ...
He got up from her side sat on the edge of the bed near her legs ...
His hands are pressing her slender legs to release the Pain & tension slowly his hands forwarded to feet to rub the chillness out of from her...
Ram cleared his throat asked the doctor..
What could have happend doctor????
Where is her old prescriptions Mr.Kapoor ...
He confused and said doctor she was not on any medication ...
Doc : Mr.Kapoor i was only treating for a month on wards ...
Ram :Now his face turned into pale colour ... His trembled hands left her legs ..."Wha..What you are talking Dr"
I mean ..He gazed at her angrily "What the hell she is hiding from me " soon seeing her fragile face it turned into concernd look..
He slowly walked towards caressing her hairs ..I really not aware of the fact that she is on medication Dr...
Peehu walked towards them ...Papa pulling his shirt ...
He Kneeled down infront of her ?? Kya baby ??
She dragged him to the closet ...She asked him to open as the closet door was higher than her height ...
He opend asked what you want baby ???
Mamma will keep her medicines over there showing one of the top desks... He found many gift packets over there ..He asked you want any gift pack ..
she nodded as NOOO and asked him to open the other drawer in the desk ...
He pulled out the drawer brought in to the room as there were stalk of piles neatly tucked in ...
He found out the prescriptions & medicine covers in that ,He pulled out handed it to doctor to check wether he is talking about these ??
Doctor told yah yes it was the same but seeming this she hasn't used her medicines at alll ...
See here some sheets not were opened at all , showing the medicines to him...
Ram : Ma ... He signald to krishu ji to take peehu out he needs to talk with doc what was exactly happening ???
Soon krishu ji convinced peehu , giving a kiss on Priya's cheek ..
Mamma plzz wake up soon.. i love you ,i wil make a nice card for you mamma ...Plzzz looking at her intently she walked away half heartdly ...
Ram setting his chair exactly opposite to doc ..
Asked can you plz explain me why she came to you ?? What happend her ??
Why these many medications for her ? was she is any big trouble almost his voice choking up with the fear of losing her again ..
Doctor :Raised his eyebrows ...
Mr.Kapoor i know what happend between you and your wife past 5 years ago ...
Sje was very pale and she is feeling giddiness constantly from past 5 days with these complaints she came to me ..
But the actual reason behind her is ,she is feeling very guilty for what she has done , she dont know how to rectify her mistake and she was been very depressed these days ...[Not going much details]
So we have started on anti depressents aswellas multivitamins ..
But every week she used to come attending councilings and taking medicines and going back to her house ...
But seeing all these medications here ..Seemed she is not used those at all ..
And she was very weak from past one month she used to complaint of giddiness and she has been under vertigo medication too ..
showing one of the sheet see she doesnt have taken one tablet also from this ...
Im thinking as her BP is low ,she has got attack of severe giddiness so black out happend ..seeing Ram's confusion face ..
Ok about shivers its a common thing for some patients especially in this season there is no particular medication expect antihistaminics ..
Giving one sheet to him use this medication when she was having shivers but still she needs someone comfort aswellas good blanket around her ..
I wrote the medication and this saline will help her to get some energy back into her ..
At present her condition will be going to good anyway sister will be here until the BP comes normal than she will remove it and inform me about the details ..
Ok but plzz make her eat properly and take these medicines properly everything will be alright ...
Turning to leave from there ,Doctor adviced him if you have any problems between you two try to sit and talk ,solve those ..
Dotor when she will get consious ...
Ram let her sleep atleast this way she has many sleep less nights ..Anyway she will get whenevr her energy gets back to her body ,You dont worry she will be alright ...
All the best & take care of her ...
Ram took her in his arms ...Sister told him when the bottle ends just call me i will be waiting outside ...
Sure sister, you can wait in the guest room ,I will call to the room directly ..Telling he called bansikaka and told to him show guest room to sister ...
He kept her head in his lap , caressing her hairs ...
What happen priya ??
What the hell happening with our lifes ???
Why god thinking to leave me alone again ?? What happen you baby ?? I love you ?? can't you open your eyes ??
For me just once ..See showing his heart ..."Its craving to see you ",baby i know i hurted you but plz once wake up and see your plumpy husband sitting next to you !!
Plzz darling ...Teras rolled out from his cheeks dropped on her forhead ...
"aah" she moaned with pain ...
He startled Priya can you hear me ??
Her hands gripped on his shirt within secs it relievd ...Enough priya for your assurance ...
He slept off in the same position keeping her head in his lap ...
Sun races fall on his eyes ...He streched his hands letting priya out of from his lap ..He went to washroom to freshen up ..
He felt relaxed when sister told her BP cme to normal ,she removed the IV line & went off in the night ...
He looked at her one last time went to shower ...
After 5 mins A loud pich cry voice of Peehu banging on his washroom door ..."Calling Papa ..papa ..."
He wore the bathrobe opened the door hurriedly asking what happen pihu ??
In between her sobs she managed to say "Ma .. mam..mamma "
He rushed towards bed to find "Priya shivering badly "
He tried to open her mouth to give medicine but its not working out as she was shievring severly ..
He slid into the bed beside her hugged her very tightly rubbing her back ...
soothening up with his words ...
Priya ..Priya relax ... can you hear me
priya baby ...utho na ..Im Ram your Ram speaking ...
Priya im not anymore your Mr.Kapoor ...Plz priya open your eyes ...HIs bath robe slid off in this hurry ,She was crushing under his bare chest and his arms ..
His warmthness gave her energy to copup with chills...slowly her chills coming down ...Her head exactly on his chest ...
"In deep smoke layers she can hear a rhythm of
" Lub Dub "
" Lub Dub "
" Lub Dub "
" Lub Dub "
" " " Dil ki Dhadkan Baddi Jaye...Samne Jab Woh Aaye...
Pyaar Issiko Kehte Hain Kya...Koi Yeh Samjayee..
Magar Saache Lagte Hain...
Yeh Dharti...Yeh Nadiya...
Yeh Rehna ... Aur Tummm...""""
" Lub Dub "
Wait wait but where Im I ,Why so much of darkness ...Oh god why my Head is hurting sooo much
Down the lane she again heard the beat this time erratically : "" " Lub Dub " " Lub Dub "
These erratic hearbeats are ringing in her ears ...His husky voice taunting her to come out of the daze ness ..."
...[Plz imagine that she is hearing his heart beat and the same time his voice echoing in her ears in unconsious state ,I knw some might feel funny but thought of presenting this way ..plz leave your comments" }
She slowly opend her eyes to see the cloudy image of her pleasantly plumpy husband ...
Oh god what a day today ..Im in his arms ...
seeing his uncondition love in his eyes...My man ...
She is not aware of whats going on ..But her body screwd up with the pain ..She felt her bones were crushing of with the shivering ...
Oh Well what happen now ?? Im in his arms ..But why this chills..what the hell im shivering ...
God this bones & muscles are making me mad with the pain "
Seeing his wife slightly open eyes ...He felt happy asked her open her eyes fully ...
she gave a feeble smile to him ...She uttered Plz im dying with the pain ..My total body is paining like hell ...
Ra...Mr. kA.. Kapoor ..Plzzz Ku..kuch kijiye na??? with tremble of her voice ...
Well my dear sweet BALHIANS .. what was there in thi gift packs ..Whom Priya packed for it ..wether Ram can find out ??
Dont forgot to hit the "LIKE" button ...Keep reading stay tuned for nice surprise in next part ...
Good night ..sweet dreams
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