priya gets up in d mrg ...and sees ram is staring at her ...her cheeks go red
mr.kapoor what hapen ...!!!!
are kya yaar ...cant i see my beautiful sleepy wife ... ok lets get up ...if u get ready ..we wil go out ..
but mr.kapoor mai tabiyat thik nahi hai...sar me bahut dard hai ...
ohh first u go & fresh ,i wil order breakfast than u take medicines and rest in room..dont roam around ,do u got my point
priya-ha but where r u goin mr.kapoor??[with tensed eyes}
priyaaa i have some work ,i will finish it off ,
come & join with u ,but promice me u wont go anywhere
ha mr.kappor i wil b waiting for u in THIS ROOM only k but plz come soon ...
he came to her and caresses her cheeks ,she lowers her eyes ,he kissed on her forehead &catch hold of her waist and pulled her towards him
she lowers her gaze [thinks about last night kiss]
broke the silence with his words ...
ask her dont b tense i may go out from this room but my love always surrounds u mrs.kapoor...
she is seeing him with love &says ok...
he leaves the room ...calls and talks to apeksha something ...
hotel room...
priya heards a knock on d door ...thinks ram must has come ,opens the door happily ..
found a guy standing with a red flower boquet...madam r u priya ...
ha ...madam this is for u &gave a attached greeting card also ...
she takes found no name but its very beautiful and opens the greeting ...
her eyes running through the lines and curl a smile on her lips...was saying [You are the kindest person I have met. Forgive this fool who can't live without you.]
thinking yeh mr.kapoor sent hai kya??
she wants to call him ,by that time she wil get call from ram...asks her that did she has taken her breakfast &medicines
ram-im anable to finish my work as i think ,i wil b late lil bit ,dont wait 4 me ...had ur launch ..ok
priya -ha mr.kapoor ,where r u now
ram-[she heard some people r talking ram abot some business ..he tells wait 5minz] continues talking with priya im in our australia branch office mai hai ..koi takleef hai aur thabiyat thik hai na...
priya-ha mr.kapoor bas aise [she thought he is busy now]
ram-u go and take rest i wil return to room as much as early ...
priya...hmmm k [disconects d call]
in the hotel room
again there is knock on the door
she thinks its ram ...
but she saw a guy &handing her a gift box wrapped with a yellow gift paper dotted with love symbols ..
she opened it &found a white saree with beautiful silver thread work on it ..while opening saree she found anthr litile box opens it and surprised to see matching jewelery ...
she now knew it ...this gifts has been sent by mr.kapoor only ...
she founds a litile note ...says i want to take my wife on a date in this loving saree .. ...hope she fulfill her husbands dream ..
her cheeks turning red by reading those words...
felt happy thinking also loves me alot there is no doubt ..but what he is hiding from me about the girl and why he is bothering alot in the issue ...
lost in her thoughts &drift off to sleep on the couch ...
at aftrnoon 2.00pm..ram enters the room and found sleeping beauty on the couch ...
with his gifts ..he tiptoed..went towards her and lifted her up putting her on to bed ...
she is looking so lovely and pretty in her sleep...he is seeing her eyes and thinking how they wil see at him in different situations .. and laughing him self ...
while his looks stoped on her pinkish sweet lips [naughty ram]
bent down on her ...he came close to her face very close to her lips
juzz both their lips r an inch away ..he felt her breath warmly touching him ...
he cant resist & close the gap by putting his lips on her ...[priya feels someone drawing her lips away]she scared &sudenly opend her eyes wat is hapening & to throw the person away ...
but she found ram is kissing her gently and passionately ..their both looks surrender by eachother ..
ram is teling her cool down from his eyes ..
priya blushingly lowers her eyes ..with this responce ram deepens the kiss
he is drinking her to vanish of his thristyness of these many years ...
aftr sumtime ram senses she is suffocating and gently breakup the kiss by biting her lower lip...
priya-moans ahh
mr.kapoor ye kya hai ??[by seeing him]
she lowers her gaze ..her cheeks r turnig red ..unable look at him ..she hides her face in his chest and cuddled him all with her love ...
he calls priya...
priya-...tighten her arms around him[no answr]
again he calls priya
she said ...mmm
ram-how husky u r voice is ...
ram- ha ...bolo
priya...nothin and diggs her head in his chest
both r lost in their lovely closeness &comfrtably slept in each other arms ...
evening ram got up &sees priya sleeping peacefully in his arms...
aftr sumtim priya got up and sees ram already awaken..
asked y he didnt wake her up...
he pulls her closely to him and said after somuch struggled up with u r heart within this two days u r resting na so dont want to disturb ...
&he went to wash room ...
the doorbell rang...
priya open the door smiling herself...
found APEKSHA in the entrance ...
passionate kiss..this is written very well
ReplyDeleteI think writer is too romantic type..Her future husband is very Lucky.*wink